Everything around colors

Specify the color value your are interested in:

Enter the color you want to view, e.g. "#ff8000", "rgb 255,128,0", "hsl 260,0.5,0.5", "hsl 200,50%,50%", "hsv 300,0.4,0.5", "cmyk 20%,20%,10%,0%", ...

Color Information

Overview of the most important information about your selected color.

rgb(221, 75, 57)

hex : #dd4b39
rgb : rgb(221, 75, 57)
hsl : hsl(6.585, 70.7%, 54.5%)
Name : Scarlet
HEX : #DD4B39
RGB : 221, 75, 57
HSL : 6.585, 0.707, 0.545
HSL % : 6.585, 70.7, 54.5
HSV : 6.585, 0.742, 0.867
HSV % : 6.585, 74.2, 86.7
CMY : 0.133, 0.706, 0.776
CMYK % : 0%, 66.1%, 74.2%, 13.3%
XYZ : 33.073, 20.7, 6.123
CIELAB : 52.62, 55.907, 41.686

Complementary Color

The complementary color is the color on the other side of the color wheel.
rgb(57, 205, 221)

Analogous Color Scheme

The analogous color scheme uses colors which are next to the main color on the color wheel. In this case the analogous colors are 30° right and left of the main color.
rgb(221, 57, 123)
rgb(221, 75, 57)
rgb(221, 155, 57)

Analogous Color Scheme (Close)

The close analogous color scheme uses colors which are close to the main color on the color wheel. In this case the analogous colors are 15° right and left of the main color.
rgb(221, 57, 82)
rgb(221, 75, 57)
rgb(221, 114, 57)

Triadic Colors

Triadic colors are created by distributing three colors equally over the color wheel.
rgb(221, 75, 57)
rgb(57, 221, 73)
rgb(73, 57, 221)

Triadic Colors

Triadic colors are created by distributing three colors equally over the color wheel.
rgb(221, 75, 57)
rgb(57, 221, 73)
rgb(73, 57, 221)

Split Complementary

The split complementary color scheme uses two additional colors which are close to the complementary color.
rgb(221, 75, 57)
rgb(57, 221, 155)
rgb(57, 123, 221)

Tetradic Color Scheme

The tetradic color scheme distributes four colors on the color wheel. In this case the creation of the rectangle to distribute the colors is based on the golden ratio.
rgb(221, 75, 57)
rgb(57, 221, 120)
rgb(57, 205, 221)
rgb(221, 57, 158)

Tetradic Color Scheme Left

Basically the same scheme as before - just turning the rectangle the other way around.
rgb(221, 75, 57)
rgb(221, 191, 57)
rgb(57, 205, 221)
rgb(57, 87, 221)

Square Color Scheme

The square color scheme distributes four color equally on the color wheel.
rgb(221, 75, 57)
rgb(123, 221, 57)
rgb(57, 205, 221)
rgb(155, 57, 221)

Five Color Scheme

This color scheme distributes 5 colors equally on the color wheel. Therefore each color is 72° away from the next one.
rgb(221, 75, 57)
rgb(172, 221, 57)
rgb(57, 221, 139)
rgb(57, 106, 221)
rgb(205, 57, 221)

Six Color Scheme

In this color scheme there are six colors equally distributed over the color wheel. Therefore each color is away 60° of the next one.
rgb(221, 75, 57)
rgb(205, 221, 57)
rgb(57, 221, 73)
rgb(57, 205, 221)
rgb(73, 57, 221)
rgb(221, 57, 205)


Tints are created by increasing the luminance for each consecutive color until white is reached.
#dd4939 | rgb(221, 73, 57)
#e26355 | rgb(226, 99, 85)
#e77d72 | rgb(231, 125, 114)
#ec978e | rgb(236, 151, 142)
#f0b1aa | rgb(240, 177, 170)
#f5cbc6 | rgb(245, 203, 198)
#fae5e3 | rgb(250, 229, 227)
#ffffff | rgb(255, 255, 255)


Shades are created by reducing the luminance of the color down to black.
#dd4939 | rgb(221, 73, 57)
#cb3423 | rgb(203, 52, 35)
#a92b1d | rgb(169, 43, 29)
#882217 | rgb(136, 34, 23)
#661a11 | rgb(102, 26, 17)
#44110c | rgb(68, 17, 12)
#220906 | rgb(34, 9, 6)
#000000 | rgb(0, 0, 0)

Desaturated Colors

Desaturated colors are created by reducing the saturation of the color until the color becomes gray.
#dd4939 | rgb(221, 73, 57)
#d15345 | rgb(209, 83, 69)
#c65c50 | rgb(198, 92, 80)
#ba655c | rgb(186, 101, 92)
#ae6f68 | rgb(174, 111, 104)
#a27874 | rgb(162, 120, 116)
#97827f | rgb(151, 130, 127)
#8b8b8b | rgb(139, 139, 139)

Intense Colors

Intense colors are created by increasing the saturation of the color until the maximum saturation is reached.
#dd4939 | rgb(221, 73, 57)
#e24534 | rgb(226, 69, 52)
#e7422f | rgb(231, 66, 47)
#ec3e2a | rgb(236, 62, 42)
#f03a26 | rgb(240, 58, 38)
#f53621 | rgb(245, 54, 33)
#fa321c | rgb(250, 50, 28)
#ff2e17 | rgb(255, 46, 23)


#dd4939 | rgb(221, 73, 57) | hsl(5.854, 0.707,0.545)
#dd8839 | rgb(221, 136, 57) | hsl(28.902, 0.707,0.545)
#ddc439 | rgb(221, 196, 57) | hsl(50.854, 0.707,0.545)
#b7dd39 | rgb(183, 221, 57) | hsl(73.902, 0.707,0.545)
#7bdd39 | rgb(123, 221, 57) | hsl(95.854, 0.707,0.545)
#3cdd39 | rgb(60, 221, 57) | hsl(118.902, 0.707,0.545)
#39dd72 | rgb(57, 221, 114) | hsl(140.854, 0.707,0.545)
#39ddb1 | rgb(57, 221, 177) | hsl(163.902, 0.707,0.545)
#39cddd | rgb(57, 205, 221) | hsl(185.854, 0.707,0.545)
#398edd | rgb(57, 142, 221) | hsl(208.902, 0.707,0.545)
#3952dd | rgb(57, 82, 221) | hsl(230.854, 0.707,0.545)
#5f39dd | rgb(95, 57, 221) | hsl(253.902, 0.707,0.545)
#9b39dd | rgb(155, 57, 221) | hsl(275.854, 0.707,0.545)
#da39dd | rgb(218, 57, 221) | hsl(298.902, 0.707,0.545)
#dd39a4 | rgb(221, 57, 164) | hsl(320.854, 0.707,0.545)
#dd3965 | rgb(221, 57, 101) | hsl(343.902, 0.707,0.545)

Color Table

Showing the color table based on modified HSL values. Values are separated by comma(,).

H (0-360):
S (0-100):
L (0-100):
Select (x-y):

Saturation: 50(-20)
rgb(43, 70, 133)
rgb(124, 43, 133)
rgb(133, 52, 43)
rgb(106, 133, 43)
rgb(43, 133, 88)
rgb(80, 115, 198)
rgb(186, 80, 198)
rgb(198, 92, 80)
rgb(163, 198, 80)
rgb(80, 198, 139)
rgb(157, 177, 223)
rgb(216, 157, 223)
rgb(223, 164, 157)
rgb(203, 223, 157)
rgb(157, 223, 190)
Saturation: 70(0)
rgb(26, 63, 150)
rgb(138, 26, 150)
rgb(150, 38, 26)
rgb(113, 150, 26)
rgb(26, 150, 88)
rgb(57, 106, 221)
rgb(205, 57, 221)
rgb(221, 73, 57)
rgb(172, 221, 57)
rgb(57, 221, 139)
rgb(144, 172, 236)
rgb(227, 144, 236)
rgb(236, 153, 144)
rgb(208, 236, 144)
rgb(144, 236, 190)
Saturation: 90(+20)
rgb(8, 56, 168)
rgb(152, 8, 168)
rgb(168, 24, 8)
rgb(120, 168, 8)
rgb(8, 168, 88)
rgb(34, 97, 244)
rgb(223, 34, 244)
rgb(244, 55, 34)
rgb(181, 244, 34)
rgb(34, 244, 139)
rgb(131, 166, 249)
rgb(237, 131, 249)
rgb(249, 143, 131)
rgb(214, 249, 131)
rgb(131, 249, 190)

Selected Colors

rgb(80, 115, 198)
rgb(198, 92, 80)

Color Information and Schemes in the URL

The idea and reason of this page is getting color information. Fast and simple. Therefore I created it in a way that you can specify the color you are interested in directly in the URL.\n\nSome example how colors can be specified in the URL:\nSpecifying a hex value. Make sure to remove the # sign:\nhttps://www.russwurm.com/color/ff8000 \n\nDirectly specify an RGB code:\nhttps://www.russwurm.com/color/rgb(255,128,0)\n\nDirectly specify an HSL value:\nhttps://www.russwurm.com/color/hsl(100,0.3,0.3)\n\nOr specify the HSL values as percentages:\nhttps://www.russwurm.com/color/hsl(100,30,30)

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